Payment Method
We Accept The Following Methods Of Payment For Your Ordering.
- With Paypal, You Can Send Payment Quickly And Securely Online.
- Through Paypal, You Can Pay With Debit Card, Credit Card Or Bank Account Balance.
- Once Your Order Is Submitted, You Will Be Redirected To Paypal's Site Where You Could Make The Payment.
- If You Need To Pay By Credit Card, Please Do Not Use Paypal Fast Payment Method, You Can Go To The Shopping Cart Interface To Make Payment.
Credit Card
- We support online credit card payment, the entire payment process is officially encrypted, we promise not to reveal any personal privacy.
- We accpet Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover.
- You Will Receive A Payment Confirmation Email From Us After Your Order’s Payment Has Gone Through Successfully. If You Do Not Receive This Email, Please Contact Us.
Klarna is bringing consumers a simpler and smoother shopping experience and payment method.our online store now supports Klarna installment payment. klarna supports 4 flexible payment options.
- Option 1: Pay in4
Interest-free,due every 14days.
- Option 2: Pay later in 30 days
Get it now.Pay later.Interest-free.
- Option 3: Pay over time
Split the cost into smaller.
- Option 4: Pay now
Pay in full with card.

How it works
- Step 1: Add item(s) to your cart
- Step 2: Go to checkout and choose Klarna
- Step 3: Complete your Klarna Credit application
- Step 4: Use the Klarna app or log in on to make your monthly payments
- Step 5: Choose your payment plan
- Step 6: Complete your checkout